Grave Site Regulations
The following is the current set of commissioners-approved grave site regulations that were last updated December 2020. These are also available for download by clicking the button below.
Please read the following cemetery regulations. These revised regulations were adopted December 21, 2020, to comply with Federal Trade Commission Rules and Regulations.
1. The Cemetery District clerk must be given 24-hour notice before any burial takes place. This includes casket burials, placement of cremated remains, and placement of permanent markers. Burials will be only in identified designated lots.
2. All casket burials must be done by order of a licensed funeral director. Family members may do placement of cremated remains and headstones, provided the Clerk is given 24-hour notification.
3. No remains or headstones may be removed without permission of the Commissioners.
4. Headstones or memorial markers must be set level with the ground. Upright memorial markers and monuments must be set at the head of the grave or plot and the base set level to the ground to allow for easy mowing.
5. Any type of border around graves must not extend above ground level. No coping, fencing, hedging, will be allowed. No decorative rock shall be used.
*Commissioners must approve all borders before installation.
6. The planting of trees, shrubs and ground cover in the cemetery shall not be allowed. The cemetery has the right if any trees or shrubs in any lot become detrimental to adjacent lots or walkways, or for any other reason in the opinion of the Commissioners they shall be removed.
7. Glass receptacles are strictly prohibited.
8. Flowers placed on graves may be removed for lawn mowing. The Cemetery has the authority to remove all floral design, flowers, weeds, trees, shrubs, potted plants as soon as in the judgment of the cemetery they become unsightly, dangerous, detrimental, or diseased, or when they do not conform to the standards maintained.
9. Photographs, souvenirs, wreaths, flags, or other emblems are allowed. The Commissioners at their discretion will remove them.
10. The Cemetery reserves and shall have the right to correct any condition not followed by the lot owner(s), at the expense of the lot owner(s). Prior to correction notification to the lot owner(s) by the commissioners is not required.
11. Requests for exceptions to these regulations must be brought to the Commissioners for approval at their monthly meeting.